128px64pxのモノクロOLEDディスプレイと、オーディオ出力を備え、安価で強力なRaspberry Pi
Arduino IDEから開発でき、グラフィックはg8u2、サウンドはMozziというライブラリの使用を想定しています。
This is a microcomputer kit for learning the basics of programming and electronic construction in a fun way.
It was created for students in the Media Arts course of the Department of Information Design at Tama Art
It has a 128px64px monochrome OLED display, audio output, and runs on the inexpensive and powerful Raspberry
Pi Pico. It can be used to create interactive graphic creations, video games, synthesizers, and other
electronic instruments. It can be developed from the Arduino IDE and is designed to use the g8u2 library for
graphics and Mozzi for sound.